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Category: FAQs

FAQ How Can I Manage Withdrawal Symptoms

How Can I Manage Withdrawal Symptoms?

Managing withdrawal symptoms is a critical aspect of the journey towards recovery from substance use disorder. At Intensive Treatment Systems, we understand the challenges that

How Long Does Recovery Take

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Recovery from substance use disorder is a deeply personal journey that varies significantly from one individual to another. As an organization dedicated to providing the

What Types of Medications Are Used In MAT

What is Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT)?

How Does It Work In Treating Substance Use Disorders? Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) stands at the forefront of modern strategies in combating Substance Use Disorders (SUDs),

Can I breastfeed while undergoing MAT

Can I Breastfeed During MAT Treament?

Breastfeeding while undergoing Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) can be a safe and viable option for many individuals, but it requires careful consideration and professional guidance. The

How common are co-occurring disorders with substance use disorders

How common are co-occurring disorders with substance use disorders?

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How Can We Tell If The Treatment Is Working

Evaluating Treatment Success

Treatment success is often a multifaceted concept, involving improvements across physical, psychological, and social dimensions.