Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services
Intensive Treatment Systems (ITS) has been managing our patient’s health for almost 30 years with extraordinary collaborations that allow us to work side by side with many organizations including – AHCCCS Health Plans, Hospitals, Arizona Governor’s Angel Initiative, Justice Liaisons, Probation, Police, Community Partners and Veterans.
We treat ANY drug or alcohol addiction and offer an innovative approach to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), for patients who are affected by Opioid Use Disorder or Opioid Addiction and Alcohol Use Disorder.
ITS is recognized in AZ by AHCCCS as an ACCESS POINT we are open as a 24 – hour outpatient facility. Access to treatment and services are available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. We can schedule an appointment for a convenient time, or you can just walk in ANYTIME!
We have a team of professionally trained Care Advocates (Peers) who have personal experience in recovery allowing them to understand first-hand what a patient and their families have experienced.
An individualized approach to treatment, allows us to work alongside our patients ensuring our treatment options maximize their chances for success, this includes:
- Addiction Education
- Care Advocates – Peer Support
- Case Management
- Coordinated Treatment During Pregnancy
- HIV/HCV/TB Screening/Referrals
- Individual & Group Counseling
- Integrated Care
- Intensive Out Patient Program
- Medication Assisted Treatment Services
- Patient Centered – Evidence Based Treatment
- Relapse Prevention
- Transportation
ITS advocates for their patients; provides community education and community-based resources with the aim of demonstrating that addiction is a disease that can be treated!